Saturday, November 24, 2012

Be webwise, create a Kindle book, and blog... in the Twin Ports

Are you visiting or living in the Twin Ports area? If so, consider taking my classes!

I not only teach about writing and creating Kindle books as I do here, but I also teach about how you can promote your Kindle book via your website, and a blog! It all works together.

Here is a craigslist ad I use to promote all 3 classes. Remember of course that you can take all of them online (web links are at the end of this post). But I'd love to see you in one of my physical classrooms sometime!

Here's the cl ad:

I'm teaching the following classes from now through April at the following locations.
You may not see the course presented in the online or printed catalog because sometimes they are only in the flyer
or there are not enough students so contact them and get placed on the waiting list.

Improve Your Website, 60 Ways in 60 Days.
Create and Publish Your First Kindle Book.
Create a Blog in 5 Minutes, Make Money Forever.

Here are the locations for Community Education that I teach these classes
(Or you may take them "online"; reply to this ad, but the price is a log more):

You may have to copy and paste these addresses into your address bar
or do a Google search for: school name and Community Education
to get to the site if these links do not work.

Two Harbors
Silver Bay

If you have more questions please reply to this ad
but most all the information is at the school sites.
Ter Scott

You can also take these classes online for a bit more cost, but it’s worth it: